questions questions questions...
Lately I'm kinda a bit touchy with hm... how should I say it? Touchy with stuff that are supposed to be not so touchy. Make sense? Sounds good to me. If my emotion is a piece of cake, then I guess that piece of cake is already fucked and pulp up beyond any recognition. FUBAR. Oh did I mention to you that I'm writing this half awake? I think I walked like a good 8km around Frankfurt today. Oh I didn't tell you I'm in Frankfurt? that you already know so that makes it a OK :)
I received my new addition of film SLR a few days ago. So today, is the baptism of fire for the camera. Finished 3 rolls of films. A Kodak finest grain 100 ( well, I'm half asleep so I guess I get to forget things ), porta 800 and centuria 200. Went out with this guy, we shall call him mister Duck. He is a big motivation and inspiration to me. His composition is so simple yet so nice. Should I dissect his brain? I...don't think that is a good idea too..and here I am with a film SLR... It's not embarrassing it's just feels weird. Can't wait to come back to process those films.
I can't help but noticed that Mobet is on a regular roller coaster ride recently. That's what I hate about new year. Same stuff happened last year. Can't we have like skip the whole emo ride and be sunny and shiny forever? Then again, I am not only a fair weather pilot. I fly through bad weather more often than not and I triumphantly ( "have to be so dramatic meh?" the nyonya shouted from the last row ) landed the aircraft.
They say if you don't have fear, you don't appreciate the things you have. They also say, if you don't fear of losing something, you don't love em enough. I kinda agree with that. BUT I hate this butterflies in my tummy. Yes, more than one. I think there's a whole village of butterflies in my tummy. Gosh, I think I need to do a cat scan pretty soon. I hate this feelings. The feelings of being unloved. Abandoned. I need love too. To be loved and cared for. Am I giving too much? Do I make you feel too comfy until you forgot to give but take? I don't want any of the worldly possessions. I just need you. I need your love.
...Felt like a puppy with a plague dying by the road side and nobody cares. Oh and picture that in black and white with thunderstorm hoovering on top of me...
Here are the things I wish for...
Talk to me, love me, tell me you love me, tell me you are faithful as I am. Say your deepest dirtiest secrets, you know I can take it.
Just like you, I need reassurance too.