Sunday, January 08, 2012


Wow has it been that long? I abandoned you. God...

Happy new year from the both of us. We wish you all the happy stuff in the world and none of the depressing stuff. Why so long? Where have I been? I've been around. Hmm interesting time this past few months. Well the more important thing first. The Big Kite company and the Red Army decided it is a good idea to have share swap and successfully fucked everybody up. Everybody knows it has government hand in it. So it is unstoppable. Secondly I went to Red Army Aviation Co for a job and guess what? They want me. I went there to flush the whole thing out of my system. If I can get in, I'll go and if I can't I'll stay and shut up lol. Anyways I got in and now I'm more content. Bebet on the other hand is not so happy. I understand. Not everyone look up to the company. But I have weigh all options and this is what I wanna do.

I will try to update more of stuff. So many stuff to share yet so little time. I'll go backward from today. 

I'm in Istanbul by the way. It is so freaking gloomy. Kinda depressing. Late sunrise and early sunset. Hats off to the Turks. I can't wait to go home It's sunny back home with occasional rain. Ain't that bad though. But Bebet won't be home when I'm back. So alone again. Sigh.

We had a short getaway for the new year. Off to Port Dickson. A much needed short trip. Traffic is freaking crazy but it was all worth it. 

December. I honestly went to the Red Army Aviation Co, we shall call em RAAC after this cos it's a mouthful. What company is this by the way?  Google "now everyone can fly" and you will see. Since Bebet is not too keen on the idea of me going to RAAC and I am keen to go I left it to destiny to guide me. I went with a heavy heart. The interview actually ends well. Beyond my expectation actually. I'm the only local there and I made it. This is a HUGE decision actually. I'll lose my privileges to go to overseas. I will also lose my Business class travel. I will only do domestic and daily flights. I will lose the so call pride of being in THE national airline ( duh by the way ) yeah. 

But, here is what I will gain.

I will fly more than my comrades in The Big Kite Company (TBKC). I will clock 1000 hours per year compared to them. I will be marketable in 3 years. My potential income will be more so I can provide Bebet with better stuff while most of the time I'll be at home hence more time with her. I can list down quite a few more stuff but let's just wait till I got the real black and white from RAAC. 

November and October is a blur.

Oh, let's share a story. I have a long time buddy who is totally against me going to RAAC. Thing is,we shared the same dream before but I took the step to move. He put me down by saying MONEY is NOT the problem... yeah right bro. Since when MONEY is NOT a problem. Is it MY fault that you are turning green with envy? I love green by the way but not when YOU are in that colour. I mean, If you wanna stay in the TBKC fine, I don't have anything against you. It's your decision but Dude, come on. I'm not competing here. Yes what can I say. I'm cooler than you and I look better than you but come on, chill aye. ..god I almost puke on myself lol

Come on guys. 

So here is the plan. We are gonna rake as much money as possible, buy a decent house with with with HUGE dogs no, BEARS ya bears 3 of em and and and 3 Gurkas guard no make it FIVE guards to guard our castle ya why settle for less lets just buy a castle...and and and we're gonna have like 100 inch LCD tv no LED tv ya LED is the in thing and and and we're gonna gave like 7 young chicas to be our maids and we're gonna have hmmm orgies ya orgies...

Oh well, till here for now.

Happy new year again :)

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